From High Dimensional Data to Disease Mechanisms – NOTCH Signaling in Hodgkin Lymphoma
Karl Köchert
The Role of miRNAs in Hodgkin Lymphoma
Anke van den Berg
Methylation Pro ling of Mediastinal Gray Zone Lymphoma Reveals a Distinctive Signature with Elements Shared by Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma and Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Franziska Eberle
10:30 – 12:00
Room: Großer Saal
Scientific SessionEarly Stages
Anton Hagenbeek
Richard Hoppe
Actions Following the Interim Analysis of the EORTC/GELA/IIL Intergroup H10 Trial
John Raemaekers
Debate: Role of Radiotherapy in Early Favorable HL
George Canellos
Anton Hagenbeek
Joachim Yahalom
State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Andreas Engert
Early FDG-PET Scan Con rms Its Prognostic Impact Also in Localized Stage, ABVD Treated Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients
Luigi Rigacci
Involved Node Radiotherapy Signi cantly Reduces Lung, Breast and Thyroid Dose in Patients with Limited Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma
Belinda Campbell
10:30 – 12:00
Room: Kleiner Saal
WorkshopPediatric HL
Judith Landman-Parker
Cindy L. Schwartz
Early Response-Based HL Therapies of the COG
Cindy L. Schwartz
Update on EuroNet-PHL-C1 trial
Dieter Körholz
Hodgkin Lymphoma therapy in Central America
Pedro De Alarcon
Involved Level 3-D Based Target Volume Concepts for Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma
Update on LPHL
Judith Landman-Parker
Panel Discussion
Louis S. Constine
Dieter Körholz
Judith Landman-Parker
Cindy L. Schwartz
12:00 – 14:00
Room: Großer Saal
Satellite SymposiumState-of-the-Art and Future Approaches
Andreas Engert
Michael Hallek
Hodgkin Lymphoma
Peter Borchmann
Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia
Michael Hallek
Follicular Lymphoma
Gilles Salles
14:00 – 15:30
Room: Großer Saal
Scientific SessionSpecial Challenges in HL
Magnus Björkholm
Teodoro Chisesi
WS Report on Non-Western Countries
James Armitage
WS Report on HL Treatment of Adolescents
Joseph Connors
WS Report on NLPHL
Michele Ghielmini
Hodgkin Lymphoma and HIV Infection (HD- HIV): Prognostic Factors in 596 Patients (Pts) within the European Group for the Study of HIV and Tumours
Michele Spina
Feasibility and Ef cacy of ABVD in Elderly Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients: Analysis of Two Randomized Prospective Multicenter Trials of the German Hodgkin Study Group (HD10 and HD11)
Boris Böll
Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Adolescents and Young Adults with Relapsed or Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma
Michael Crump
16:00 – 17:30
Room: Großer Saal
Scientific SessionSurvivorship
Franco Cavalli
Volker Diehl
WS Report on Follow-Up Recommendations
John Raemaekers
Long-Term Outcome of Children and Adolescents
Kara Kelly
Quality of Life in HL
Peter Borchmann
A Comprehensive Prospective National Database to Enhance Breast Cancer (BC) Screening Services for Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) Survivors Treated with Supradiaphragmatic Radiotherapy (SRT) in England
Sache Howell
A Prospective Study of Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Mammographic Screening in Long-Term Female Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) Survivors
Andrea Ng
Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Treated for Hodgkin Lymphoma: Preliminary Results Using Computed Angiography Tomography
Theodore Girinsky
18:00 – 19:00
Room: Großer Saal
Satellite SymposiumNew Aspects of Lymphoma Therapy
Peter Borchmann
Robert Marcus
Mantle Cell Lymphoma – Quo Vadis?
Georg Heß
Follicular Lymphoma – Bortezomib in the Relapsed/Refractory Setting