| | | | Dear colleagues,
| | | | | | After an inspiring virtual meeting of the Scientific Committee, the “Program at a Glance” for the International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma (ISHL13) is now available.
| | | | | | The program aims to provide a comprehensive overview and discussion of the latest advances in research, diagnostics and treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma. In addition to nine scientific sessions and several satellite symposia, a joint session by the GHSG and the EHA Lymphoma Working Group addressing emerging therapeutic concepts in B-cell lymphomas will complement the program.
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| | | | Registration for ISHL13 is open now! | | | | | | If you register by 15 July 2024, you can save up to 30% with our Early Bird rates! | | | | | | Registration includes participation in all sessions, satellite symposia and the poster session as well as the visit of the exhibit hall and many networking opportunities.
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| | | | We are already looking forward to welcoming you at ISHL13, which will take place in the Gürzenich Hall Conference Center in Cologne, Germany, from 26 to 28 October 2024.
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| Take care and all the best,
| | | | | | Peter Borchmann, MD,
Symposium and GHSG Chairman | |
Sven Borchmann, MD/PhD,
Symposium Co-Chair | |
Paul J. Bröckelmann, MD,
Symposium Co-Chair | |
Dennis Eichenauer, MD,
Symposium Co-Chair | |
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