Cologne, October 2024 
 Dear colleagues,  
 The 13th International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma, ISHL13, is approaching fast - only three weeks to go until we will welcome you in Cologne, Germany, on October 26, 2024.  
ISHL13 - Only three weeks from now
 Curated by the ISHL13 Scientific Committee, the program aims to provide a comprehensive overview and discussion of the latest advances in research, diagnostics and treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma with distinguished speakers from around the globe.  
 You can still register. To ensure a quick and correct processing of your registration, please use the online registration.  
 For further details about ISHL13, please visit our homepage. We are looking forward to your participation.  
 Kind regards,  
Peter Borchmann, MD,
Symposium and GHSG Chairman
Sven Borchmann, MD/PhD,
Symposium Co-Chair
Paul J. Bröckelmann, MD,
Symposium Co-Chair
Dennis Eichenauer, MD,
Symposium Co-Chair
 Please do not reply directly to this message. If you would like more information on the 13ᵗʰ International Symposium on Hogkin Lymphoma, or have additional questions please contact Gabriele Hanke (  
 Please add to your address book to prevent spam filters from blocking these E-Mails.  
 13ᵗʰ International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma
Prof. Peter Borchmann, MD
German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG)
Gleueler Str. 269-273
50937 Cologne
 Tel. +49 (0)221 478 88159
Fax +49 (0)221 478 88188
 For more information please click here.